For the month of April I'll be tracking everything I eat and drink, every day. A 6-week post portem experiment of sorts. An honest account of the good and the bad that's going into my body (and, in turn, my baby's body). I have lots of relationships with food. It's social. It's comforting. It's nutritious. It's damaging. Sometimes I love the feelings and emotions food gives me, sometimes I despise them. 

I'll also be giving up "sweets" for the month (chocolate chip cookies are my food vice and I must force myself to go cold turkey at least once a year) and replacing my intake of potato chips (a bad pregnancy habit) with snack options not quite so... oily. Perhaps I can shed a few more pregnancy pounds! Mostly I'd like to look back on the month and take note of the role food plays on my mood, healthiness, energy, and so on... 

Day 1 / April 1st 

Breakfast - I am TERRIBLE about breakfast. I rarely have one. This must change. 
Coffee with a touch of Almond Milk (only managed a few sips)

Lunch - Indulged. It was awesome. Met a girlfriend for lunch at Gjelina. And if you're at Gjelina, it's all about indulging.
Iced Coffee with a touch of 2% Milk
1 piece Olive Bread with Olive Oil
Kale Salad (shared)
Thincrust Burrata Pizza (shared)
Asparagus (shared)

Dinner - Made dinner at home. We're all about the pre-made rotisserie chicken from Whole Foods. We'll make it last for at least a few meals, mostly salads throughout the week (a tip last month from Bonappetit!) 
Butter Lettuce & Spinach Salad with chicken, turkey bacon, tomato, avocado, pepper jack cheese & balsamic vinaigrette dressing. 
1 1/2 Flakey Biscuit
1/2 Apple (pre-dinner tide me over, considering we didn't eat until 9PM)
Couple sips of Jason's Diet Dr. Pepper (this is the 1st sip of soda I've had in over 10 months - whoa)

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