
"A portrait of my child, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Lu & Mama: a portrait from Dad this week.
Lu: perfecting "crunges" (crawl/lunge). 

Lots of quality time with my little lady this week. Jason worked long shoot days and was pretty much gone by the time we were up and home by the time we were down. Lucy spoiled me with happy faces, but we missed having our main squeeze around! 

There's so many wonderful photos in this project, I find myself so inspired each week I have time to look through them! A few that caught my eye this week... Alice being hosed down (a good reminder you do not need a fancy pool for summertime fun!), this nap photo and these kids outdoors over at Yellow Finch blog.

(Linking up with 52 Project at Che and Fidel Blog). 


  1. thank you for mentiong us!
    your lu is so adorable :)

  2. Beautiful sketch, that belongs in a frame!

    We know all about crunges over here. I love all her hair! Gorgeous.

    1. Thank you! And yes, sketch is currently up on the fridge :)

  3. Popping over from Che & Fidel (she linked to you this week). Such a beautiful sketch, and a gorgeous photo - cheeky little smile!

  4. Aww my brother is so sweet and talented! Annnnd oooo how I miss my LU!!!
